The Story

Are you ready for a funny story?

You may wonder what in the world my blog address means. It is after all not a real word. Here's how it came to be.

It was late one night and I was an exhausted mama who was holding her sleeping baby and using the iPod for entertainment until The Baby was sleeping soundly enough I could put her in the crib. I knew I wanted to start a blog about my journey of health. I also had the thought that it wasn't just about health but happiness also. I was thinking that there is some sort of equation regarding how the two play together to make some synergistic results. And as they both start with the letter H I thought this could best be described as H2 (H squared). So I decided that would be the domain name. I typed it in and was delighted to discover it was available. So I proudly entered my first post and then put The Baby to bed. When I returned to open my new blog and see how it looked I typed and was shocked to see "my blog" as a homeschool page that hadn't been updated since 2007. I had no idea what I had typed as the domain so I had to do a little investigation to figure out what my blog address was.
I'd like to think I spelled it right and just hit the wrong key - or didn't hit it, rather. I
mean, after all u ALWAYS comes after q. It's a hard fast rule with no exceptions (at least that I'm aware of). But I know that the reality is I was tired beyond tired and I'm sure at that moment I thought that was how it was spelled. You see, this isn't the first time this has happened to me since having a baby. I've spelled things wrong - easy things like durty instead of dirty. So I guess the domain name of is just proof I'm a mom.