Is anyone else out there like me? I use to watch moms that gave and gave, but never took time for themselves. I swore I would never do that. Like my wise grandmother always says, never say what you are never going to do.
The problem is it is hard. It is hard to take time away from others and spend it on ourselves. Yes, we know it's good and healthy, but before we know it another day has passed and we didn't exercise, didn't relax, didn't recharge our batteries. I'm consistently breaking the airplane rule. The one where you put your oxygen mask on before helping small children seated around you.
I am really struggling with this. I'm really struggling to implement a pattern of keeping myself full of oxygen.
Are any of you successful at doing this? I and other readers of this blog would love to know how you do it. Even if you aren't 100% perfect at it, tell us the things you do well.