Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Mental Goal: Change the Routine

Just got back from vacation and happily can report a 4 pound reduction in those blue numbers that light up on the black box resting on my bathroom floor. Seriously happy about that because generally a vacation means an increase of numbers.

That's not the only benefit from my vacation. I also got some perspective and I feel refreshed. I feel like doing a bunch of new things... like taking my vitamins daily, writing in my journal nightly, and exercising regularly. Which fits perfectly for a new mental health goal of doing something different, breaking up the routine.  Clean out the mundane cobwebs of life and do something different, new, exciting, challenging, fun, etc. etc.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you guys made it home safe! It was great seeing you and wish I had more of a chance to sit down and talk with you and find out how life has been now that your a new mom. :) Good luck on your goals too. I think it's amazing you went home after a vacation and had lost weight! Who hoo!
