The Four Pillars

Picture in your mind a chair. We'll call this chair the "Health and Happiness Chair". This chair, as is common with most chairs, has four legs. We'll label these legs Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual. These legs truly are the pillars of good health and true happiness. Sure, you could cut off one of these legs and the chair wouldn't fall to the ground. You could even sit on the chair and continue to use it, although balancing would be a bit tricky. However, eventually, over time, the chair would wear down. The stress put on the other three legs would weaken them and eventually one or even all would give out. The chair would then be useless, not able to serve its purpose.

Now think of your body and soul as that chair. You may fudge on one or two of those pillars of good health and happiness, but soon the other pillars will give out from the strain and soon you will be feeling more than just a little off-balanced. How worth it it is then to work on all four pillars because we all truly have a purpose and we can best fulfill that purpose when our legs are all intact.

The purpose of this blog is to get us all thinking more about all four of these pillars. Generally we say "I want to be healthy" and what we really mean is "I want to lose weight". True, complete health will only come when we work on all four. So join me in my journey to real health and happiness.