The Terminology

On this blog you will see certain phrases you may not be familiar with. I'll explain...

lose weight We lose our keys, wallet, an important paper, etc. When we lose these we hope, even pray, to find them again. I don't know about you, but I don't hope to find any weight I've gotten rid of. We also lose these things without any effort and quite often it's really by accident that they are lost at all. It takes effort, great effort to have that scale go down and it is rare that we ever say "Whoops, I've misplaced 5 pounds." So I use the term "work off weight" because, frankly, that is what you are doing. You are working your tail off - through exercise and watching what you eat. It is hard, purposeful work.

jogging I don't go for jogs, I go for "wogs" where I walk and jog and don't feel an ounce of failure at not jogging the whole time. I like "wogging".

"It's too expensive" I'm not referring to something to buy here. I'm referring to the calorie or fat or salt content of a food item.