Friday, May 6, 2011

Checking In: Emotional Goal Day: No Negatives

Somewhere, out there in "thin air" is the original posting of this. I typed it yesterday and today I don't know where it went, it simply disappeared. So, this one will be more precise and concise because who likes to post one posting twice?

I have been shocked at how well this goal has been going for me. I think it's all due to timing. I've been very proactive about my health this week which tends to give me a more positive outlook on my health and overall happiness which, generally speaking, means less morning, mid-day and night-time belittlement when I look in the mirror or think about life in general. It does force me to be honest and positive. Because in all honesty, I'm not perfect at it, but instead of saying that, I say "I am working on it", which is both positive and honest and gives a feeling of satisfaction and hope. Satisfaction because I'm being honest and not trying to justify and hope because I am being proactive and doing something. I am enjoying this feeling so much I want to continue this and try to incorporate it in all aspects of my life. Starve the problems, feed the opportunities. Ignore the negative, encourage the positive. Minimize the criticize, raise the praise.

How are you doing at stopping the negative comments we all regularly make to ourselves?

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