Thursday, August 11, 2011


Do you ever feel like you are on a rollercoaster ride? I feel like that lately, especially with regards to my emotions. One day I'm up, ready to tackle the world and any challenge it throws my way, and the next day I'm screaming at the top of my lungs to make it stop as I go careening deep into a valley.

I want to be happy and see the good in the world, but someone keeps throwing cow dung in my face and it makes for trying times.

Trying... As in trials. Yah, I'm really sick of them. I keep on thinking I'm done with them, that I'm taking all I can and then one more comes hurtling at me. The frustrating thing is you can't say "No, thanks, I'd rather not have any more trials." Well, you can say it (and I do) but it doesn't change anything. The trials are still there. So, what do you do? Personally, I cry harder and more frequently. Doesn't really fix anything, but it let's off some of that pressure. And then I ask for strength to make it through this valley. I ask for help getting back on top, where things are sunny and peaceful. And when that sunny and peaceful ride just aren't coming? Well, then you take micro-steps. Micro-steps are the predecessor to baby steps. Micro-steps are what you do when baby steps are just too much. Micro-steps.

Hi, my name is Heather and I'm micro-stepping my was through this trough of cow dung, anticipating a rise in elevation on this track of life, hopefully soon.

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