Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My Commitment

You may be wondering if I'm still committed to the commitment I made a
little over a week ago. I'm happy to say I am.

Amazing, I know.

You may also be wondering, as my husband was, just what exactly it is
I committed myself to do? Only eat things with nutritional value. For
how long? I don't know - until I learn self-control or maybe even
longer. This one is for real. Because basically it is not if, but
when, I get diabetes. When, that is unless I decide to do something
about it and the only way to change that is to be fully committed.
TODAY. Before it's too late. 100%. You can't halve a light. It is
either off or on. There is no grey. The same is true for healthy
living. You are either doing it, or you're not. You may do it every so
often, but that's not "on" that's a flash and then back to "off". I
don't know about you, but I want to have my light on. I want energy,
vitality, a spark in my step, a bounce in my outlook on life (and yes,
that's really the way I meant to say it). Do you want to know the
other amazing thing?

I'm seeing, or rather feeling, the difference in myself.

Cravings? Like the one for a chocolate cake donut I had this morning?
Yeah, they still come. But I treat them differently now and the
craving goes away. WITHOUT me actually eating the donut, I might add.
Another benefit... I'm not tired - at least not to the degree that I
normally am which borders somewhere between exhaustion and commatose.
Think about that. I have a 5 month old who has had a cold and has been
waking about hourly starting at midnight every night. And I'm not
beating my head over a brick trying to change it somehow... I'm not
even thinking about it really. This is not to say I don't get tired, I
do, but it's that
exhausted-I-don't-know-how-I'm-going-to-make-it-another-minute feeling
that is gone. Sayonara! And one more benefit I'm experiencing is a
full tummy. I just feel full after I eat instead of empty and craving

All of this is amazing, I know.

All I can say is if you didn't believe in miracles before now, this
should convince you.

The End.

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