guess most turning points do.
I have been spending a lot of time lately wondering why I can't seem
to change and eat better, why it's a constant battle against myself. I
was even awake at 3:00 in the morning contemplating the situation
early, very early, Sunday morning. We have been on a little vacation
(yay for beach houses!) and as such went to a different ward than
normal for sacrament meeting a little later Sunday morning. The
gentleman speaking said that someone had summarized every key point
President Monson made in general conference. They came up with 30, but
he was going to summarize it in Pidgin context (common here). And this
is what he said:
'Nough Already! Do what you s'pose to!
Translated, what he is saying is:
Enough already!! Do what you are suppose to. Commit and just do it.
This hit me like a ton of bricks. Enough already, Heather! Do you want
to be healthy? Then it's time to commit and just do it already! My
problem isn't anything but my lack of commitment. So I went home and
proceeded to have a battle in my mind. I want to commit- I'm ready to
really just do it already. The problem is I'm weak and even though my
heart is wanting and eager, I cannot work a miracle. But He can. So I
prayed and I asked Father in Heaven if I could make an agreement with
him in order to have His help. And I knew that meant I had to really
commit- not just the half-hearted kind I'm prone to, but full on
commitment. But being the natural man type I first wanted to know what
I was committing myself to and for how long. So, there was some more
battling going on in my mind and heart, but I knew that if I would do
my part, the Lord would bless and help me. I remembered how one of my
Young Women leaders growing up told me about how she quit smoking -
the only way to do it was to pray and ask the Lord to take away the
craving. But He wouldn't just remove it- she first had to have the
desire, she first had to choose which path she wanted to go down. Only
then would He help her overcome the cravings.
Well, I don't know about cigarettes, but I do know about desserts and
potato chips and chocolate and the only way I can overcome my cravings
for them is with His help, but only after I've decided that's the path
I want to go down.
Okay, I thought, I want to commit, but when? I'm on vacation. More
battling. And I knew I had to commit right then. There will always be
some reason, some excuse not to, but the way I figure it, I can commit
now or wait until I get diabetes and be forced to commit. I'd rather
do it now.
So, I committed.
I promised the Lord I would do my part but I need His help to make it
happen. Did I mention I was on vacation? You know- where you have many
junk food options to choose from - more than you normally would at
home. I would have made it 2 hours if it wasn't for the Lord's help.
But every time I was tempted, or worried I might break down, I prayed
for help and I can honestly say He has helped me. It's not that the
craving, or desire, hasn't come but it's that I've been able to get
passed it and no longer be bothered by it.
So I'm committed. I really am. The battle to commit has been
completed. Now it's just always remembering my agreement, adjusting to
this new turning point and continuously praying for help. It won't be
easy at first, but I know it is possible with the Lord's help. I have
more to say but this post is already so long I'll have to say the more
I'll end by saying, if you are struggling with your health,
So true. Great post! I find that even when I'm committed to something it's still easy to let negativity slip back in. I find myself complaining that I'm spending so much stinking time each night on these workouts ... and guess what? My drive, my energy to complete them goes out the window. Sure, I do it ... but I'm slogging through. So really I need to work on STAYING committed in my heart. In replacing each negative thought with the positive one that led me down this path in the first place. I need to surround myself with my vision for WHY I'm doing what I'm doing (whether it is positive affirmations on post-its in the bathroom, or pictures of healthy people taped to my computer!)Thanks for the thoughts :)