How did your goal to disconnect end? All I can say is it helps to have company and a beautiful ocean to pull you out the door.
Moving forward. I am the praying type. So much so that I find myself praying many, many times daily. Which is all great and wonderful except one thing. I don't find myself listening after I pray. So I ask for help to know what to do to help Baby and then I end my prayer and continue life, not thinking about it again until the problem surfaces and I'm suddenly upset because my prayer hasn't been answered. I say "argh, why do my prayers not get answered?!" and Someone could just as easily be saying "argh, why does she not stop and listen?!"
So this week's goal for improved spiritual health is to stop and listen. It's a good thing last week's goal was to disconnect because I find it hard to stop and listen when distracted. And on that topic, since I have a 5 month old distraction, I'm thinking this goal is going to force me to wake up earlier than that distraction so I can have some lengthy, uninterrupted, undisracted time to simply listen. Wish me luck. Waking up early these days is akin to me visiting the moon. Statistically, my chances of success are very slim.
(I say that and then have guilt from our emotional goal week of no negativity...sigh...I cando it. I might have great odds against me but I can do it. ...There. Was that better?)
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